Thompson's Bamboo Farm Logo

Florida’s Premier Source
for Clumping Bamboo

Thompson’s Bamboo Farm
is a 14-acre wholesale nursery
located in Haines City, Florida.

We are dedicated to providing quality plants for commercial and residential landscapes.



(407) 760-3298



(407) 760-3298

Giant Timber Bamboo

Bambusa oldhamii

This clumping bamboo is one of the most widely grown bamboos in The United States. Its tall, upright habit and remarkable cold hardiness makes for an excellent screen or wind break. The deep green canes and leaves also provide a superb backdrop for the landscape. As Giant Timber Bamboo matures and the canes emerge larger, a gentle “clacking” sound can be heard as the wind blows through the canes.

This bamboo can grow up to 55′ with impressive 5″ diameter canes and is hardy to 18°F.

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